Saturday, May 6, 2023

If you knew...

It started with a social media poetry post of some kind. In that infuriating and creepy way that my phone seems to know just what kind of internet therapy I need at any given point in my life, it tossed a philosophical nugget my way.  I save those things - the sappy quotes about love and loss and leaning in - the things that make me pause. Sometimes I flip back through the posts I've saved, and I and reflect - considering the time in my life that connected me to those words. 

Just recently, my emotionally attuned phone fed me this question to ponder, "If you knew with certainty you were going to meet your soulmate in one year, how different would that year be?" It gave me pause and perspective. I tucked it away as relationship advice. Yet, I found that the question kept working its way into my days - inspiring me to think more deeply about love in all of its forms. I might be able to lean into life and trust the universe to manifest a soulmate in due time, but some love can't be left to the whim of the cosmos, because with every passing day the love light gets a little dimmer as the curtains come down. 

This is dementia. 

The clock is ticking.  

What if we only have a year? 

52 Saturdays?

To relive.

To laugh.

To cry.

To remember.

Before all is forgotten.

This love is not to be left to the universe; it is to be mined now while there is still time - while there are still bright moments and flashes of complete clarity. This year begs intentionality.

The terror of that which lies ahead necessitates urgency in celebrating the present and honoring the past while we still can. 

As we emerge from a winter colored by sickness, sadness, frustration,  anger, and uncertainty, spring begs us to shift our focus from all that has been lost to celebrating that which remains. We know how this story will end. We just don't know when or where that will be. So, knowing with clarity that the future is darker than that which we have now, how will we lean into the present? How will we make the most of the time we have? How will we laugh when we want to cry? How can we be fully present for this final trip down Memory Lane?

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